Thursday, September 29, 2016
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and responsibilities:
Ent doctors are actually called otolaryngologist. They focus on treating patients with diseases on the throat nose and ears. They practice in the medical field and surgeons.
Medical degree , doctoral degree
Demand for this profession:
Expected to increase 18% in the next 6 years.
I wouldnt like to be one because that's nasty.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
L.A.U.S.D Student Services
* Sports
* Clubs
* After school tutoring
* comunity volunteering
Reflection: You can joing theses services by asking a staff or the officw at ur cshool. Always knowing what u want is good :) My thoughts towards the LAUSD services are good because it will help you become a better person and youll probably develope some skills you never knew you had.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Duties and Responsibilities: they treat people with different diseases , they treat people with skin cancer, eczema ,acne psoriasis, and nail infections.
Education: medical school
Demand for this profession: high demand bc many babies are being born with eczema.
Reflection:no i wouldnt bc i personally have to go a dermatologist for my eczema treatment.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
"What you are as a person is far more important than what your are as a basketball player."
I think what this is trying to tell us is that being nice is more important than playing a sport.Because being nice and being a good sport will make u 10 times better of a person. Being mean but being a good sport isnt good because people wont like you bc of ur attitude no matter how good u r at a sport. People always look for the flaws of a person so if ur good at a sport but ur selfish people will automatically say u suck or ur not good bc of ur selfishness.Being good will avoid u from having conflicts with ur team mates and the others teams peers.Being good at a sport and being good to others makes u a good player sometimes even the best.Many players become selfish bc of the money they earn they dont realize what others really want. People just want a good player with a good personality.good players are good people . players with a good personality are the nicest to everyone with no exeptions they always forgive those who harm no matter what.
Soccer player
Duties and Responsibilities:
What a soccer player does is plays the sport as their passion. There duty is to pass the ball and make a goal and have fun :) being a soccer player is funn!!!!!!, because you get to make friends and make goals . The responsibility of a soccer player is to listen to the coach play fair and win.
Cristiano ronaldo (soccer player for real madrid) wins35,690,560
No education is needed to become a soccer player all u need is practice to become a professional at it.
Demand for this profession:
Theres no need for more soccer players at the moment but in the future probably
Of course i would like to be one i love soccer and I play soccer my self . soccer is the best sport u could ever play.
Monday, September 19, 2016
true wealth is of the heart not of the heart,"
this ,eans that being wealthy is from urnherat. it will helpbe a nice person and help ppl feel better ig.peolps money might get lost also. being rich from trhe heart means being loved or like being nice . and bieng wealthy frop the purse means having alot of moneyy and opwing cars or mansions. being wealthye froom both is good because if u loose ur money atleast youll b nice and if u stop being nice atleast youll have moneyif you loose both then ur doomed and that suck and ur life will suck. also ig having both makes u a good person bc ur not spoiled or selfish.
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Dental assistants perform a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory, and often work chair-side as dentists examine and treat patients. They make the patient for the dentist sit and get them ready to be assisted by the dentist.
Salary:34,500 USD
Education: postsecondary non-degree award
Demand for profession: projected to grow to 18 from 2014-2024.
Reflection:I wouldnt like to be one bc they get paid a little.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
"you cannot do worng and feel right.Its impossible"yeah u can actually , because sometimes in life doing something bad will make u feel relaxed. i know because when i do bad , or do wrong i feel good like i did it for a reason or i was boreed im not gunna feel bad for something i did . bc feeling guilty will make u feel bad so think of doing bad in a good way when u lie u feel good bc u know your gunna get away with it . and not lying about huge things either because u will get caught no matter what lmao but theres always a time in life where you can take a risk. and btw nothing is impossible theres something we cant physically do but doing worng and feeling good isnt impossible lol,.... thats a joke many people do worng as a hobby . smoking pot isnt wrong its wrong to others because of the things people say about it . smoking pot is ment to relax you and u feel good so theres no way that if you smoke weed and not feel good . also like when you say something mean to a person or don something bad you did it because they deserved not out of no where like if thereds something bothering you about them and u hate it well u do something about it but its not ressasrly bad people say its bad because thats what theyve been told like if someone hits you your not gunna let yoursleve youll ight back and thats the right thing to do because your not gunna be looking weak infront of someone who is trying to make u feel bad ,.. and when you throw that punch or even push them off youll feel good knowing that there hurt to.there for the quote is completely unreasonable in my opinion...... :)
Duties and responsibilities:
Dentists diagnose and treat problems with patients teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. They also focus mainly on the teeth like fix tooth decay or cleanse urb teeth and make them look nice.
149,310 USD
Doctoral or professional degree
Demand for this profession:
I wouldnt want to become one bc its nasty.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
"when i do good, i feel good. when i do bad, i feel bad."the quiote says it all so what is there to explain . honestly the way i feel about this quote is that i actually feel good when i do bad i dont really feel bad for much bc sometime i feel bad that i do good . like since people say not to lie i dont so im extremly honest about peoples aperences. many people think im mean or that what i did was wrong i but in my opinion every thing i do has a reason so therefore there not bad if other people think or believe or feel that what i do is bad thats on them because im not gunna be listening to people when they tell me whats good and whats bad bc its there opinion.
example # 1: when i tell people how they look i feel good.
example #2: when i dont do my home work i feel bad ig

Duties and Responsibilities:
A chiropractor is a person who focuses on the medical field and mainly focuses on the muscles and the spine. They will work on the patient either manually or by computer.
Doctoral or Professional degree
Demand for this profession:
The employment of chiropractic is expected to increase 28% between 2008 and 2018.
I wouldn’t like to be one because it seems boring.
Friday, September 9, 2016
"the key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are , the more freedom we have."
this means that if u do good u will have things Ur way and you'll be able to do whatever you want . like maybe if u want to go out with a friend but you did something bad in the past Ur parents wont have any trust on u anymore and wont let you go out.Also if you want to be able to do things like playing a sport or go o na walk or going to he park on Ur own. Ur parents have to trust you not to do any bad things .Many kids get there freedom by obeying their parents every single day. For example doing their chores with out being told more than once or doing good in school and behaving doing all thats good would lead you to your freedom,.
911 memorials
a 911 survivor felt like his mind callapse because he felt emotional about the twin towers. many people died that day and many people lost loved ones which was really sad and this 9/11 was very sad because no bosy waas expecting it and it just happend like nothing .

i feel really sad about this bc if i was in the position of the people that lost a loved one id be really sad.
a 911 survivor felt like his mind callapse because he felt emotional about the twin towers. many people died that day and many people lost loved ones which was really sad and this 9/11 was very sad because no bosy waas expecting it and it just happend like nothing .
i feel really sad about this bc if i was in the position of the people that lost a loved one id be really sad.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
"Obedience is the great test in life."
i think this means that obeying to whats right will help you be better in ur life and in someones else's. i dont kow what to put because im really tired and i dont feel like doin g anything . and at thus point im being obidient to my life bc i dont feel like doing anything so ima obey my body and be lazy :). . . . . . .
ex: im being obedient to my body by being lazy.

Thursday, September 1, 2016
"Education is the latch key to success in life ."
I think this quote means that by going to school and learning new things you will be someone important in life. Every career requires education no matter if its the simplest job. Going to school makes you smarter. Going to school will help u know right from wrong. Education will lead you to the right path.learning new things is cool because u will know awesome things . You might even learn how to do things you might have thought were impossible think school is awesome because learning new things makes me feel better and smarter. Some ppl that don't go to school either end up being in the streets asking for money or food .They choose wrong by not getting a good education and getting a good career.
I think this quote means that by going to school and learning new things you will be someone important in life. Every career requires education no matter if its the simplest job. Going to school makes you smarter. Going to school will help u know right from wrong. Education will lead you to the right path.learning new things is cool because u will know awesome things . You might even learn how to do things you might have thought were impossible think school is awesome because learning new things makes me feel better and smarter. Some ppl that don't go to school either end up being in the streets asking for money or food .They choose wrong by not getting a good education and getting a good career.
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