" Doing what makes you happy and being your self is always good .Dont let anyone brain wash you on whats good and whats bad , because thats just an opinion."- MELANIE MARTINEZ
This quote means that society is so ignorant thats they want every one to be perfect in their way. They dont let anyone express themselves when there already jkudging you .Many people are out there smoking weed but that doesnt mean they choose the wrong there happy and thats all that really matters now days. Many people are robbers but there not bad people they might be breaking the law but deep inside there good and they like doing it so dont stop them for being them. People drink alcohol to celebrate sometimes they also drink wine but there not choosing the wrong many people are diffrent and think diffrently of whats wrong and whats right so telling them that there doing something wrong or what there doing is wrong or bad will seem like a joke to them beacuse there not you or anyones else that think its wrong to them it might be a hobby or a talent ,but telling them what there doing is wrong, is actually wrong.Being happy and being you is the true right , your happy for doing it so why stop when someone comes and tells u its wrong just tell them off or ignore them because if ur happy by doing that keep doing it. im not saying that killing someone or breacking laws isnt bad but when ur happy JUST DO IT!!! aslong as your happy. all the years of your life youve been told whats wrong ,whats right ,what not to do but they enever tell you that happiness is more important than the happeniss of others .Yes being selfish to your own life is actually good because no one is going to feel sorry , theyll only care about themselves so you just have to take care of your self.So just be urself dont let anyone tell you what to do. :)

aye wass up homegirl wyd :)